A story in yesterday’s [Dec. 7] TR Daily incorrectly described the process that could lead up to an opt-out state having to negotiate with First Responder Network Authority over the terms of the build-out of a radio access network (RAN) if its opt-out bid is rejected by the government.
If the FCC rejects the state’s opt-out plan, the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012 “directs that the deployment of the state’s RAN will revert to the plan proposed by FirstNet,” notes the National Telecommunications and Information Administration. “If NTIA disapproves the state’s [spectrum lease] application, the state will need to enter into discussions with FirstNet regarding how and when the RAN will be built in that state, since the Act does not specify that FirstNet must build that state’s RAN as initially proposed,” NTIA notes.
Courtesy TRDaily