From the July 24, 2018, FCC Daily Digest

The first two excerpts below are two cases in which the FCC has denied a waiver of the T-Band license freeze.  The third excerpt below is an enforcement case on non-compliant LED signs/billboards.  FCC assessed a $43K penalty and the company also will implement a compliance plan.

COMMISSIONERS OF FIRE DISTRICT NO. 1, FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP, SOMERSET COUNTY, NEW JERSEY; REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF T-BAND SUSPENSION NOTICE. Denied the waiver request. Action by: Chief, Policy and Licensing Division Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau. Adopted: 2018-07-23 by ORDER. (DA No. 18-763). PSHSB. DA-18-763A1.docx DA-18-763A1.pdf DA-18-763A1.txt

COUNTY OF UNION, NEW JERSEY; REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF SECTION 90.305(A) OF THE COMMISSION’S RULES\r\n. Denied the waiver request. Action by: Chief, Policy and Licensing Division Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau. Adopted: 2018-07-23 by ORDER. (DA No. 18-764). PSHSB. DA-18-764A1.docx DA-18-764A1.pdf DA-18-764A1.txt

THINKSIGN OPTOELECTRONICS, INC. A/K/A THINKSIGN INC. Resolves an investigation into whether ThinkSign Optoelectronics marketed LED signs used in digital billboards and other commercial and industrial applications, in violation of the Commission’s equipment marketing rules. Action by: Deputy Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 2018-07-24 by Order/Consent Decree. (DA No. 18-757). EB. DA-18-757A1.pdf DA-18-757A1.txt