Andy Seybold’s Public Safety Advocate, January 11, 2014

I am pleased to announce that in conjunction and partnership with the Competitive Carriers Association (CCA) we will be providing our Wireless University on the first day of the CCA Conference. This session is titled: Opportunities for LTE in Rural America, and will be held on Wednesday March 26th. For more information:,

FirstNet continues to make progress, and Tom Wheeler the new FCC Chairman is moving rapidly to round out his staff and to make sure that the industry understands the role of the FCC in regards to broadband and the Internet.

An item not in the news, below, is the great work being done by the National Public Safety Telecommunications Council (NPSTC) and the APCO Broadband Committee. These organizations are working hard on a paper that will, when it is done, provide guidelines for what is required to make a wireless network, and its back-end, Public Safety Grade in nature. These guidelines will be presented to the Public Safety Advisory Council (PSAC) of FirstNet and the, hopefully endorsed by the PSAC and submitted to FirstNet. The paper should also be a must read for local Public Safety entities as they expand and/or replace their Land Mobile Radio Systems.

The holidays are over, work is resuming and I expect the next few months to be busy ones for the Public Safety community and FirstNet.


FCC puzzles mobile broadband crunch and spectrum auctions …Steve Blum via Google Alerts
Jan 11 10:55 Washington works by twists and turns. “I keep describing it as a Rubik’s cube”, said FCC chair Tom Wheeler as he answered questions at CES about

The Future of FirstNet: LTE Networks Show Promise for Public …Google Alerts
Jan 10 10:56 LTE Networks Show Promise for Public-Safety Broadband …

FCC Releases Instructions for Registering LMR Signal Boosters (1/8 …Google Alerts
Jan  9 02:55 In February 2013, as part of the FCC’s efforts to support the continued use of signal boosters in the private LMR services and public-safety radio

Auction of 700 Mhz spectrum to be delayed by two yrsFree Press Journal via Google Alerts
Jan  9 00:56 It is estimated that providing broadband services over the 700 Mhz (698-806 Mhz) band is about 70% cheaper than using the 2,100 Mhz band for

FCC chief pushes open Internet, robust broadband networksInfoWorld via Google Alerts
Jan 11 01:56 Keeping the Internet open is a high priority for the FCC — so high that the agency will closely monitor the sponsored content program that AT&T

Wheeler Names Two Senior Staff MembersTV News Check via Google Alerts
Jan 10 23:55 Tim Brennan becomes the FCC’s chief economist, while Clete Johnson is named chief counsel for cybersecurity in the Public Safety and Homeland

6 Cool Apps From Uncle SamInformationWeek via Google Alerts
Jan 10 09:55 Because it collects data, which is then used by the FCC to create a detailed picture of mobile broadband performance nationwide, Speed Test raises

IHS Security & Fire division report – FirstNet expected to increase … via Google Alerts
Jan 10 07:56 FirstNet, a high-speed broadband data network dedicated to public safety using …

Land Mobile Radio/Professional Mobile Radio and Progress in …Google Alerts
Jan  9 18:56 The FCC allocated the 4940-4990 MHz spectrum for broadband PSC. …

FCC Chairman Asserts Authority Over the Internet, WirelessWall Street Journal
Jan  9 16:01 Tom Wheeler says FCC must have the authority to regulate broadband networks, in the chairman’s strongest endorsement of net neutrality to date.

Behind the Scenes with FirstNetStateTech Magazine via Google Alerts
Jan  9 13:56 The forthcoming FirstNet public-safety broadband network’s greatest asset — its nationwide span — also seems to be its biggest challenge. Since its

No shortage of compelling story lines for 2014Urgent Communications via Google Alerts
Jan  7 15:57 Some questioned the wisdom of narrowbanding LMR systems to 12.5 kHz channels below 512 MHz, but asking relatively new 700 MHz narrowband

T-Mobile buys $3B worth of LTE 700 MHz spectrum from via Google Alerts
Jan  7 14:56 T-Mobile’s current network is built on band 4, meaning that they will need to release new devices capable of making use of the additional band 12

Why T-Mobile wants Verizon’s discarded 4G airwavesGigaom
Jan  6 17:34 Verizon has owned these 700 MHz licenses for six years but never found a use for them. One’s man trash is another’s treasure. By buying these licenses T-Mobile can build an LTE network more like Verizon’s.

FCC Chairman Asserts Authority Over the Internet, WirelessWSJ: Technology
Jan  9 15:45 Tom Wheeler says FCC must have the authority to regulate broadband networks, in the chairman’s strongest endorsement of net neutrality to date.