Public Safety Groups Sign MoU

The Public Safety Technology Alliance (PSTA) and the Critical Communications Association (TCCA) today announced the signing of a memorandum of understanding. “The goal of the MOU is to foster collaboration between PSTA and TCCA with respect to international, widespread promotion of the use of open standards and open standard APIs to ensure operability among applications, services, handsets, connected devices, and cloud applications and storage for the mission critical communications relied upon by public safety,” the groups said in a news release.

“Areas of planned collaboration include information sharing and best practices on test and certification bodies; coordination on technical committee work including technology roadmaps, activities and timelines; support of plugtests and other testing events for mission critical services; and communication and education about the important work being accomplished by both organizations around the world. The benefits of this open collaboration will mean greater cooperation globally on the future of public safety technology, which will facilitate a more open, competitive, and operable marketplace to drive scalable innovation for first responders worldwide.”

Courtesy TRDaily