FCC Establishes Process for State “Opt-Out”
On June 19, FirstNet announced that it would be delivering to each state, via web portal, its proposal describing how it intends to build out the Radio Access Network (RAN). States will have 45 days to review the proposal and exchange feedback to FirstNet before the 90 day response period begins. States who opt out of the FirstNet plan must submit their proposal to develop a state RAN to the FCC for that agency’s approval. To get FCC approval, the state-proposed RAN must interoperate with the FirstNet broadband network.
This month the FCC established the timeline and process by which a state will notify the Commission of the decision to opt out as well as the FCC’s review process.
In the Report & Order the FCC determined:
- FirstNet must notify the FCC of the date on which plans are delivered to a state or states
- FCC must issue a Public Notice announcing the deadline by which the state or states must provide opt out notifications to FirstNet, NTIA and the FCC
- States will have 90 days after receiving the final plan to review the FirstNet proposal and either accept it or opt out and build their own RAN.
- Opt Out Notice must include certification that NTIA and FirstNet were notified
- A special email address will be established for this purpose
- Either the Governor or a designee may provide the notice
- Governor must provide written notice of the delegation of authority
- After opting out, the state has 180 days to:
- Develop and issue an RFP providing for full deployment of the state RAN (not just development of a plan),
- Receive firm bids in response to the RFP
- Select a winning bidder
- After selecting a winning bidder, the state has an additional 60 days to finalize their opt out plans
- Opt out plans must be filed with the FCC within 240 days of the opt out notification
- Filers may request confidential treatment of their Plan
- Plans must address:
- The four general subjects identified in the Act – construction, operation, maintenance and improvements of the state RAN
- The two interoperability requirements set forth in the Act and
- The Technical Advisory Board for First Responder Interoperability Report requirements for the RAN
- The Plan must include a certification that the 180-day timeframe was met
- The Plan must include a certification by the Governor or a designee, confirming the state’s adherence to FirstNet network policies relating to technical interoperability as well as to the Interoperability Board Report recommendations
- Plans should follow the statute, have clear headers identifying each required element and an explanation as to how the state plan meets the requirements
- Suggested headers are: Construction, Maintenance, Operation, Improvements of the RAN
- Simply attaching the RFP will not be sufficient
- Each filing will be treated as a separate restricted proceeding with the parties initially limited to the State, the NTIA and FirstNet
- After the opt out period has elapsed, the FCC will release a Public Notice listing states which have opted out, each with a separate rulemaking proceeding
- Parties other than the state, NTIA and FirstNet will have 30 days to ask to participate in the review of the state opt out plan.
- Anyone making such a filing will have to explain why they are interested in the proceeding, how their participation would help the FCC in its review of the opt out plan and why their interests are not represented by either FirstNet, NTIA or the state.
- Parties other than the state, NTIA and FirstNet will have 30 days to ask to participate in the review of the state opt out plan.
- The FCC will make an initial review (within 10 business days of filing if possible) of the opt out plans to ensure that they meet the filing criteria and issue one or more Public Notices announcing that the application has been “accepted for filing.”
- The Accepted for Filing Public Notice will start the 90 day aspirational “shot clock” established by the FCC during which it must review and approve or dismiss the opt out plans
- Within 15 days of the “accepted for filing Public Notice,” NITA, FirstNet and any others who have been granted party status in the proceeding must review and provide comments on the state opt out plan
- The state will have 15 days to respond to any comments filed, by either amending their plan or filing reply comments
- States may respond only to issues raised in Comments; they may not amend other areas of their plan
- The FCC will suspend its 90-day “shot clock” only under special circumstances such as a national, state or local emergency that would require diversion of Commission resources to address the emergency.
- FCC review of the opt out plans will be limited to:
- The RAN elements (defined as cell site equipment, antennas and backhaul equipment) required to enable communications with subscriber devices using the PS broadband spectrum
- Does the plan demonstrate compliance with the Interoperability Board’s requirements characterized as “SHALL”?
- Those requirements were included in Attachment B of the Report & Order
- The second prong of FCC review was to evaluate the interoperability of the state RAN with the PSBN.
- FirstNet filed ex partes containing documents that they asked the FCC use when evaluating interoperability with the PSBN.
- To obtain a full record, the Order requires the PSHSB to release a Public Notice providing a brief period for public comment on FirstNet’s proposals
- Once the public input has been reviewed, the FCC will release a separate Order indicating which elements of the FirstNet proposal it will use to evaluate the opt out plans
- States will not have to demonstrate interoperability in the field
- FirstNet will not have to modify its network to suit a state plan
- After completing the review of each state opt out plan received, the FCC will release a separate Public Notice for each request briefly describing the Commission’s decision.
- NTIA will review elements related to coverage, financing, applications and equipment https://apps.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-345465A1.pdfThe text of the Report & Order is available at: https://apps.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-17-75A1.pdf