NENA Urges FCC to Protect SMS

The National Emergency Number Association says the FCC should ensure that however it rules on Twilio, Inc.’s petition for declaratory ruling concerning mobile messaging services, it “should carefully and cautiously protect the viability of the SMS platform.”

In reply comments filed in WT docket 08-7, NENA urged the FCC “to avoid an overly-restrictive approach should it grant Twilio’s petition. NENA is convinced that these concerns could be addressed by the Commission under either the current regulatory regime of no-classification, or the alternate regime proposed by Twilio.” In its petition, Twilio asked the FCC to rule that mobile messaging services are telecom services subject to regulation under Title II of the 1934 Communications Act, as amended. NENA also said that it “is concerned that unconstrained ‘spamming’ of SMS users could lead to significant platform viability issues over the medium to long term.”

Courtesy TRDaily