Mirgon Behind New FirstNet Website

Dick Mirgon, a former public safety official, said today that he recently launched the new allthingsfirstnet.com website.  He said the website is designed to promote the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet), but he told TR Daily that FirstNet and AT&T, Inc., FirstNet’s network partner and one of Mr. Mirgon’s consulting clients, have no role in the website, including deciding what’s posted.

Among the features on the website is the weekly column of Andy Seybold, a wireless industry consultant and public safety advocate, who says he shares in ad revenue from the site. Unlike Mr. Mirgon, Mr. Seybold said he is not a consultant to AT&T or FirstNet. Mr. Mirgon stressed that the purpose of the website is not to offer objective journalism. He pointed to the stated objective of the site, which says, “Here at ‘All Things FirstNet’ our vision is simple – we are pro Public Safety and pro FirstNet.  We firmly support the FirstNet mission, their partner and a single national, interoperable, broadband network solely dedicated to Public Safety users.”

Courtesy TRDaily