FWCC Supports Wider Channels

September 28, 2016–The Fixed Wireless Communications coalition has submitted an ex parte filing in WT docket 10-153 supporting “a request filed by Mimosa Networks, Inc. in this docket to add 80, 160, and 320 MHz channels to the 21.2-23.6 GHz (23 GHz) band. We ask further that the Commission add 100, 150, 200, 300, and 400 MHz channels. Finally, we renew our longstanding request for automated federal coordination and conditional authorization throughout the 23 GHz band.”

In a separate filing in the same docket, the FWCC asked the FCC to “add wider bandwidth channels to the 4 GHz FS band. This is one of only two bands suitable for long-haul FS communications. Space attenuation (freespace path loss) increases markedly at higher frequencies; and rain fade due to moisture in the atmosphere causes additional attenuation above about 10 GHz. Transmissions that span tens of kilometers require frequencies below 10 GHz. The only FS bands in this range are 4 and 6 GHz; and the 6 GHz band is badly congested on high-demand routes.”

Courtesy TRDaily