Public Safety Narrowband Item Circulated

A second report and order and order on reconsideration concerning the FCC’s public safety narrowband rules was circulated to FCC Commissioners on Monday, according to the agency’s weekly list of circulated items. The item follows up on a unanimous order on reconsideration and further notice of proposed rulemaking adopted in August 2016 in PS dockets 13-87 and 06-229, Rulemakings 11433 and 11577, and WT docket 96-86 modifying the FCC’s rules to allow Compliance Acceptance Program compliance “or the equivalent to be completed after equipment certification but prior to the marketing or sale of that equipment” (TR Daily, Aug. 22, 2016).

The weekly list of circulated items also lists three items that were circulated yesterday.

A declaratory ruling in CG docket 98-170 concerning Gregory Manasher et al. responds to several questions posed by a federal district court in litigation relating to the FCC’s truth-in-billing rules. Another is an order concerning the FCC’s parts 0, 1, 51, and 61 rules that would continue the transition to the electronic payment of FCC fees. And the third is an Enforcement Bureau order.

On Wednesday, an item was circulated concerning modification of subpart G, section 0.701 of the agency’s rules, according to the list. That item deals with the makeup of the FCC’s Intergovernmental Advisory Committee. —Paul Kirby,

Courtesy TRDaily