Why Police and Firefighters Still Can’t Talk to Each Other

This is an excellent article on interoperability issues for public safety and the creation of FirstNet.

On September 11, 2001, just a few minutes after the South Tower of the World Trade Cen­ter col­lapsed, a po­lice heli­copter pi­lot circ­ling the re­main­ing tower re­por­ted that the top 15 floors were “glow­ing red” and said he be­lieved the build­ing would soon im­plode. Four minutes later, an­oth­er heli­copter pi­lot also warned that he didn’t think the second tower could last much longer. Most of the po­lice of­ficers in the North Tower heard those warn­ings and were able to evac­u­ate. But that in­form­a­tion nev­er reached fire­fight­ers, for a simple reas­on: Ra­dio sys­tems for the Fire De­part­ment, the Po­lice De­part­ment, and the Port Au­thor­ity Po­lice were all in­com­pat­ible with each oth­er. 
