NW Regional Technology Center for Homeland Security Reports on Industry Day


The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) Silicon Valley Innovation Program hosted an Industry Day in Seattle, WA, to share with the local tech community about newly opened topic calls in the following areas:

 3D Dynamic Mapping – real-time 3D mapping and visualization of the inside of building spaces under varying conditions.

 Energy Harvesting Fabrics – non-traditional power sources to reduce the logistical and weight burden that first responders are required to carry.

 Identity and Anti-Spoofing of Non-Person Entities –identity assurance and anti-spoofing capabilities for non-person entities (i.e., sensor platforms, wearable devices, small unmanned aerial vehicles).

Applications are accepted on a continuous, rolling basis and will be evaluated on a quarterly basis. For deadlines and more information visit the DHS Homeland Security Innovation Programs site.