Rivada Networks Disqualified from Mexican Wholesale Network Project

November 7, 2016–Rivada Networks LLC says it has been notified that it has been disqualified from bidding for Mexico’s nationwide wholesale wireless network project, but the company challenged the decision in court today. “Rivada has complied with every requirement put before us by the Mexican government, despite the fact that the government repeatedly moved the goalposts on bidders in the final weeks and months,” the company said in a Nov. 4 news release.  “We will contest this decision in the courts and we are confident we will be reinstated. The Mexican people deserve a true competition for this important initiative, not a coronation of a pre-selected victor. Only Rivada’s consortium ensures a truly neutral network, free from influence from incumbents in Mexico, as the Constitution demands and the government claims to want.”

Rivada co-Chief Executive Officer and executive Chairman Declan Ganley tweeted today that the company had filed a court challenge to the decision.

The Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes (SCT) said that Rivada’s consortium was disqualified from the Red Compartida project because it failed to submit a $1 billion peso (US $53.5 million) bid security by an Oct. 20 deadline. The SCT said the Altan consortium bid is the only pending proposal.

Mr. Ganley said Rivada provided the required letter of credit. “In summary, we have complied (and over complied) with every requirement of Mexican law,” he said. In a series of tweets, he also alleged that a vehicle carrying Rivada bid boxes was hijacked days before proposals were due. Two heavy wooden boxes belonging to Rivada were transferred to a waiting car, he said. “They were empty because for security reasons the printing was held separately,” he said.

Rivada is one of two known bidders that apparently remain under consideration for the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet) contract. Rivada submitted a proposal to FirstNet on behalf of the Rivada Mercury consortium. AT&T, Inc., also submitted a bid. – Paul Kirby, paul.kirby@wolterskluwer.com

Courtesy TRDaily