The National Public Safety Telecommunications Council has expressed general support for a waiver request filed by Kyma Medical Technologies Ltd. to permit the marketing of an ultra-wideband medical imaging and diagnostic device.
“From a usage standpoint, devices such as those described by Kyma could be beneficial for the diagnosis and treatment of patients recovering from congestive heart failure,” NPSTC said in comments filed in ET docket 15-119. “Based on technical analysis conducted with information in the Kyma waiver request, NPSTC believes the risk of interference to public safety communications in the 700 MHz and 800 MHz bands from a Kyma device is minimal. However, if use of the Kyma device at a hospital or elder care facility would change the timing of transmissions from that described in the waiver request, or result in multiple devices operating on the same sub-band simultaneously, potential interference might be more noticeable. Accordingly, while generally supporting the waiver request, NPSTC recommends the Commission consider if any operational conditions need to be applied in such cases.”
Robert Bosch LLC said it “supports the grant of the Kyma waiver of Section 15.503(d) of the Commission’s Rules. But more broadly than this, Bosch requests that the Commission provide, for all UWB manufacturers, the opportunity to apply a practical interpretation of the Section 15.503(d) definition of minimum bandwidth, focusing on the – 10 dB requirement and the fractional bandwidth requirement, and to apply the ‘at any point in time’ provision to mean that the minimum bandwidth must be complied with at all times during the normal operating cycle of the emission being utilized by a UWB device.”
The GPS Innovation Alliance said it “appreciates and supports advances in medical technologies and the promise that Kyma’s uCor Device might bring to treat congestive heart failure. Kyma’s Waiver, however, as currently submitted raises questions, including how its operations will impact critical GPS services, that should be answered before it is allowed to proceed. The GPSIA therefore respectfully requests that the Commission defer any action on the Waiver until Kyma provides that information and it otherwise ensures that GPS operations are adequately protected.”- Paul Kirby,